SRM University will be holding the responsibility of conducting the SRMJEEE. The hall ticket of this exam will be issued in an online mode. The candidates, who have booked the slots will be able to download the admit card. The hall ticket will be made available in the month of April 2019. The admit card will be issued in the online mode only. One has to bring the hall ticket to the examination hall. If one fails to bring the hall ticket to the examination center, then he/she will not be allowed to sit in the examination center. The SRMJEEE Admit Card will be containing many important details. One has to make sure that the details which will be mentioned in the hall ticket are correct and valid. In case of any discrepancy, one must contact the examination authorities.
SRMJEEE Admit Card
The SRMJEEE 2019 hall ticket will be released in the month of April 2019. The candidates will be able to download the admit card from the official website of the examination conducting authority. It will be mandatory for one to bring the hall ticket to the examination authorities. If one fails to bring the admit card to the examination authorities, then he/she will not be allowed to sit in the entrance examination. In order to access the hall ticket, one will have to hop to the official website of the examination conducting authorities. Then, the candidate will have to click the link of the hall ticket which will be provided therein. Following it, one will have to fill in the required credentials in the login section. The screen will, then, reflect the admit card of SRMJEEE.
Steps to Download SRMJEEE Admit Card
Once the candidate books the slot, he/she will be directed to the page of downloading the admit card.
Save a copy of the hall ticket for future purposes.
Check SRMJEEE 2019
Details Mentioned in SRMJEEE Admit Card
The admit card of SRMJEEE will be containing many important details. One has to make sure that the details are correct and valid. In case of any discrepancy, one must contact the examination authorities. The list of details mentioned in SRMJEEE Admit Card is mentioned below:
² Name of the candidate
² Application Number
² Registration Number
² Date of the examination
² Time of the examination
² Slot of the examination
² Address of the examination center
² Photograph of the candidate
² Signature of the candidate
Important Instructions related to SRMJEEE Admit Card
The important instructions related to SRMJEEE Admit Card are:
The candidate must bring the admit card to the examination center. The authority reserves the right to prohibit the candidate from sitting in the examination if he/she does not bring the admit card to the examination center.
The admit card has many important details published on it. One has to make sure that the same are correct. In case of any discrepancy, one must contact the examination authorities.
For official website visit:
