West Benhal Joint Entrance Examination Board will be conducting the exam on 26th May 2019. Candidates who have filled the application form will only be appear in the exam if their application is valid. After completion of the examination the board will release WBJEE Answer Key 2019 online at the official website. Candidates should check the website from time to time in order to get the updates. The answer key will carry the correct response to all the questions that will be asked in the examination.
Answer Key 2019
The WBJEE answer key 2019 will help the candidates to predict their marks as well as rank in the examination. The answer key will be available online at the website mentioned in the above pargraph. The answer key for the different sets of question paper will release separately. While downloading the answer key make sure that you have good internet connection. Candidates who do not have the idea to download the answer key online can refer to the other section available on this page. Candidates should follow the official marking scheme of WBJEE at the time of calculating the marks.
Important Dates
Events, Dates
Last date submit the application fee and download confirmation page
22nd January 2019 till 5:00 PM
Application form correction date
23rd – 25th January 2019
Date to download the admit card
14th May 2019
Date of examination
26th May 2019
Result release date
2nd July 2019
Steps to download Answer Key
As the answer key will be available online so one should be aware of the steps to download the same. Candidates who are not aware of the procedure to download the answer key canrefer to this section.This section will guide the candidates to download the answer key online. So, read the step by step process to download the answer key below.
· Visit the official website that is www.wbjeeb.in.
· Then find the link to download the answer key of the examination.
· Click on the link and the answer key will open in a new tab.
· After that click on the download button in order to save the file.
· Wait until the answer key downloads successfully.
· Then open the answer key and compare your response.
· Count the total number of correct as well as incorrect response.
· After that follow the official marking scheme and calculate the total marks obtained in the examination.
Steps to Use the Answer Key
The answer key will be available for download after a few days of the completion of the examination. It is important that a candidate should know the method to use the answer key successfully. So, to help the candidates in this regard we are sharing the major steps to use the answer key in this section.
· Download the answer key using the steps available in the above section.
· Then open the file and check your response as well as the response given in the answer key.
· Count total number of correct and incorrect answers.
Calculate total marks by following the official marking scheme.